What We Do

🌎 Our Mission

The Company is to organized exclusively for charitable activities, children welfares, disable and vulnerable people and other related event and activities in general and more specifically the following purposes, functions and objectives.


To provide strong supporting team, groups, alliances, gatherings etc., for the children, disable and vulnerable youth in Sierra Leone.

To work out or garner financial, moral and all forms of support and/or morale facilitating helps for the children in the country Sierra Leone.


â–ªTo establish centres, spots or fora for educating families in the art or discipline of nationalistically supporting all or every child or children in the country. (Sierra Leone).


â–ªTo attend or organise conferences, seminars geared towards children educations, taking part in any children activity, both in and out of Sierra Leone.


â–ªTo carry on the production and donations of training materials including uniforms, books and audio visual products.


â–ªTo aid in the establishment and support of any school or community and any educational scientific or charitable institution or trade societies.


â–ªTo equip its students (Children) with well-developed, analytical, conceptual quantitative and interpersonal skills to enable them perform in this competitive world.


â–ªTo contribute to National Development by providing suitable curricular for children that will meet the present and future needs of the country.


â–ªTo fund scholarships and awards and to give prizes, certificates and diplomas to persons who are or have been students/children instructed or examined by or by the direction of the organisation.


â–ªTo provide necessary management skills in and other related areas that will enable children to contribute and compete effectively with local and foreign entrepreneurs.


â–ªTo provide various consultancy services for children and in particular those of a managerial, and technical nature and especially the trading, transport, communication, media communications, development and insurance brokers etc.


To provide children management and technical expects in child development and turkey projects in particular and any other matters in general and management matters for both local and overseas interests.


1. The liability of the numbers is limited by Guarantee.


2. Each member undertake to contribute to the assets of the organisation in the event of its being wound up while he is a member or within one year after he ceases to be a member, for the payments of the debts and liabilities of the organisation, and of the cost of winding-up, such amounts as may be required not exceeding Le 250,000 or such greater amount as the members may determine.


3. The profit and income of the Organisation shall be applied in achieving the object thereof and no part be applied by means of dividend or other payment to any members may determine.