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Kroo Bay Community

The B&H Hearts of Compassion team was at a deprived area in Freetown called the Kroo Bay Community to distribute some stationaries  like school materials to deprive pupils at Kroo Bay community to help bust them in their education  Kroobay is one of the Slum that is always prone to flooding  ,Gender Base violence, and teenage pregnancy because of the teenage mother’s the growth of the community  is slow and  some of the teenagers loss their lives during child birth and  some with fistula  B and H Heart of Compassion did their research and thought it fit to visit and donate to Kroobay community as you see ,the Video tells the story about how deprive the community see  and the most touching part of the story after our donation their was  a flooding at the community God save our brothers and sisters at Bay community.



212 Children Benefit from B&H HEARTS OF COMPASSION Feeding Gesture!

B&H Heart of Compassion, on the 27th March 2021, handed over 212 rice sachets and other food condiments to support the less privileged children at Metchem Goderich Village, *Ogoofarm/Lakka Village and to the Portee wharf fire victims here in Freetown Sierra Leone 🇸🇱. 


The first point of call was at the Portee wharf – making the introduction, the secretary to the Chief at Portee wharf appreciated the organization and encourages for more help in the near future. He further encourages the beneficiaries to accept whatever little gift that the organization come with for them at this trying times.


Speaking to the beneficiaries and their parents the Consultant of the B&H Hearts of Compassion *( Mr Jeremiah LanThomas Gabriel) first ask for forgiveness for the duration as the time promise to come has past. He further explained details of the partnership between  *B&H Heart of compassion organization SLDKF Foundation and says this is just the beginning. 


Introducing members of the B&H heart of compassion organization, the Director (Ms Agnes Adama Samba) says she’s so delighted to be here and for this donation, she further said this has been their norms for the past year and half now, by given help to the helpless, she said B&H Heart of compassion is a Female musician in Germany (Hannah Kamara) and her mother in UK 🇬🇧 who came together and formed this organization to help the poor people and they’re sending money to feed the poor people every month .


The donation started well by given each child with a rice sachet full with onion, Maggie and tomatoes paste to the children below 8 years with a total of 65 children in Portee Wharf Fire victims. 

Same as to the Metchem Goderich Village 75 Children 

And the last point was at Ogoofarm- Lakka Village Peninsula with a total of 72 Children. 


The donation was made in the presence of the Memebrs of Both organizations and the different chiefs and Head men respectively. 

In his brief statement to Pressmen during the occasion, The Consultant SLDKFOUNDATION who double also as the Private consultant for B&H Heart of compassion (Mr Jeremiah Lanthomas Gabriel) intimated that the donation to the different villages is done monthly and annually with the avowed objective of improving lives of children  in the country. 


“As also this is a regular gesture from the B&H Heart of Compassion organization set up by the CEO. Hannah Kamara monthly funds are allocated to assist needy and less privileged children. 


Mr Jeremiah Lanthomas Gabriel also revealed that the B&H Heart of Compassion had been regularly funding for the Aged and Orphans since its inception in 2020 also informing that like previous years they shall pay fees for deprived students amounting to $1000 (One Thousand United State Dollars). 

He said apart from that, the B&H Heart of Compassion organization has also supplies foodstuff to the Old People’s Home and Children’s Home (Orphanage) on a monthly basis.

“All of these are considered as part of their humanitarian efforts to help the poor and vulnerable children -he highlighted.


He extended thanks and appreciation to the members of staff of both  B&H Hearts of Compassion  and SLDKFOUNDATION for relentlessly working, over the years to ensure that the monthly exercise becomes success stories. 


Two parents,  in each villages were given the opportunity to express themselves, on their path, they expressed profound thanks and appreciation to the organization for their kind gesture and pray that God will continue to provide for them so that they will not come and give them help today,  but at anytime God Almighty provides for them.

A chorus of, “Thank You B & H Hearts of Compassion organization ” by all the beneficiaries present formed the highpoint of the auspicious event.


For and on behalf of Media Team